1. Actually ask the girl out!
You may call the girl, or ask them out in person. Only that!! No texts, snapchats, Facebook messages, or any other social media medium of asking the girl out! It simply won't cut it.
Asking a girl out in person is scary, however, it is time to get over the nerves and do it. If you only feel comfortable talking to the girl over texts, how will that change on the date? Show her the respect she deserves and ask her out in person!
2. Plan the date!!
Girls do not like to be picked up and asked, "What do you want to do?" That is a HUGE turnoff and is not acceptable! Make sure that you have an actual plan and even a plan b in case your first plan does not go as expected.
3. Let the girl know what to wear
Personally I like to keep the plan a secret. It makes it fun for myself, and I like to see how the girl reacts to surprises and not knowing what is going to happen. However, girls want to know what to wear. They do not want to show up wearing something that doesn't fit the environment. Just the other day a friend was telling me about a date that she went on and didn't know the plan. She answered the door in a dress and light coat...they built a snowman!! This man failed to warn the girl on what to wear, and in turn did not get a second date.
So for example, if you are going ice skating, let them know to wear warm clothes, and probably high socks because of the skates. However, you do not have to tell them specifically that you are going ice skating, just make sure that they are prepared for ice skating;)
4. Pay
As a college student, "going dutch," is music to my ears! For those of you who do not know what that means, it means that you both pay your way. However when you ask a girl out, you are responsible to pay!
5. Be yourself
Relationships don't always work out, and that is fine. We should never change who we are so we can hope to have a chance with a girl. Being someone different will always come back to bite you. Imagine how it would be if a girl fell for you while you were saying that you really liked things that in actuality you despised. This builds a fake foundation and as a result there will be nothing to build upon in the future.
6. Be confident
The girl said yes to the date, do not act like she doesn't want to be there. I understand that at times it is difficult to have confidence. Listen to your pump up jam as you go to pick her up and keep those positive, confident vibes!
For me, I will be super confident the entire time leading up to the date. Then just as I knock on the door and start waiting, the stress comes! Waiting for her to come to the door is agonizing. "What if she forgot? What if I'm at the wrong apartment? What if she is hiding? What if this is just a joke and this is a guys apartment?" It's stressful and terrifying, however, none of that is important because life will go on! Even if one of those unlikely events are true, then just laugh it off and don't let that bring you down. Remain confident!
7. Think of time
Give enough time so that you can get to know each other, but not so long that you are both bored before the first date ends. There are a lot of variables that go into timing on first dates. Time may change depending on whether it's a group date or the activity that you are doing. Generally do not ever plan a first date longer than three hours!! That is super long and consumes a lot of time. Leave that to a second date. Generally a first date should be between one and two hours.
8. Walk her to the door, and don't kiss
This is the make or break moment to a second date!! Doorstep moments may be extremely awkward but they leave the lasting impression of the date. Attempting to kiss a girl after one date can spoil everything, so even if the date went perfect and better than any other first date, do not attempt to kiss her! You want the girl to want that kiss and that only comes from more dates.
This is where we must muster up the most confidence. Be natural and don't let the walk be awkward in the slightest. We must keep up conversation and leave the girl wanting to see us again. Look at her in the way that she thinks of a kiss, but don't let her think that you are going to try. Give her a hug, not how you will hug your sister or a bro, and not a creepy hug that lasts too long or involves a weird back pat, but just a nice affectionate hug. Then you walk away.
9. Follow up
Advice to all girls: If you enjoy a date, wait long enough for the man to drive home safe and right as he can think about the date, send him a little text. I promise this will bring a smile to his face! Throw the male population a bone.
Now men, if you felt the connection, ask her out again.